Regarding the proposal to extend the redemption period of government bonds in order to secure the financial resources for increasing the defense budget, Hagiuda, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Policy Research Council, questioned the government's point that ``it could damage the confidence of the market.''

Regarding the financial resources for the increase in defense spending, the Liberal Democratic Party's political affairs research chairman Hagiuda and others are considering extending the redemption period of government bonds to secure them. And so on.

On the afternoon of March 31, Hagiuda said on the video distribution site Niconico Live Broadcasting, "Since the Bank of Japan owns more than half of Japan's government bonds, we don't really need the term 'market confidence.' When I postponed the plan, the Ministry of Finance said, ``We will lose credibility and interest rates will rise.

In addition, Mr. Hagiuda said about the system of the Abe faction to which he belongs, "Since the seat of the chairman of the faction cannot be left vacant forever, it will converge by the first anniversary of Mr. Abe's death in July this year. I would like to appoint a leader and work with a system where everyone supports each other where we are lacking.