The new boom in the artificial intelligence sector brought about by Open AI, with its launch of the ChatGPT chatbot, has sparked debate about the economic benefits of this new technology in the business sector, as well as its negative effects on the labor market.

Many jobs may benefit from this artificial intelligence, such as customer service by communicating with them and solving their problems, programming of all kinds, advertising sector, and secretarial work.

On the other hand, the forecasts of the American Forbes magazine indicate that artificial intelligence may take over jobs that employ about a billion people worldwide during the next ten years.

According to "Forbes" magazine, this could lead to the abolition of about 375 million jobs.

It seems that Microsoft was aware of the future of artificial intelligence, so it decided to strengthen its partnership with Open AI by investing $10 billion in this company.

This comes while Google's revenues - estimated at $257 billion in 2021 - are threatened by the possibility of GBT Chat becoming an alternative to search engines.

Communication platforms interact

The chatbot, "GBT Chat", has raised great concerns among the pioneers of communication platforms about the future of jobs and the economy.

Commentators considered that most of the routine jobs will be threatened and their owners will easily lose their jobs, as well as some creative jobs such as writing and design, in which artificial intelligence has shown great superiority so far, according to what was reported by the Sanad News Monitoring and Verification Agency in Al Jazeera Network.

Specialists stated that the control of artificial intelligence over jobs is imminent, as it is constantly evolving and its capabilities will gradually improve until it is able to perform these jobs without significant errors.

Many have recognized the ability of AI to replace mundane jobs, but its ability to replace creative jobs has sparked a broad divide across platforms, with some arguing that human creativity cannot be replaced no matter how advanced AI advances.

And one of the designers wrote that he believes that artificial intelligence will take over the work of low-skilled people in design, but it will not exceed this level, and the higher level will remain under the control of professional designers, and it can only be exploited to help them with some tasks.

And e-marketing specialist Janet Machuca commented - in her tweet - that despite the possibility of automating some jobs by artificial intelligence, it will create additional opportunities in different fields, and may only change the nature of some jobs and workers only need to adapt to a new way.

I've had a heated exchange with my friends on whether AI will spell doom to jobs and these are the takeaways.


1. AI may automate certain jobs, but it will also create new opportunities.

The impact on employment will be complex.

— Janet Machuka (@janetmachuka_) January 20, 2023

Some point out that artificial intelligence alone will not take anyone's job, but that the people who can use and control artificial intelligence will lead this matter.

On the other hand, many expressed their fears about the impact of the matter on the economy, and financial analyst Reed Jerome commented, "If artificial intelligence is going to take our jobs, companies should design products that artificial intelligence can buy because we will not have money then."

Tweeters also reported that artificial intelligence will shape the face of the global economy again, as the nature of the workforce will change dramatically, as well as the nature of managing the economy itself.

If AI is taking our jobs I hope companies are designing products for AI to buy because we'll have no money.

— jerome (@readJerome) January 23, 2023

The human role is central

"With artificial intelligence, many professions will become extinct in the labor market in the future, but the human role will remain central in many jobs, especially in the field of human physical and psychological health, engineering and education," says digital marketing researcher Jawad Al Shafdi.

And he adds - in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net - that the responsibility rests with governments to adapt their educational and training programs to keep pace with this huge technological development, and to adapt to future professions, such as software, digital marketing, data analysis, and others.

Al-Shafadi asserts that this type of future profession will have a decline in human presence, but his role will remain central in terms of planning, organizing and follow-up, warning that the future will not be merciful to anyone who is late for these rapid technical transformations.

Projections indicate that the size of the artificial intelligence market is expected to reach about $13 trillion to $15 trillion by 2030, compared to only $65 billion in 2020.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to increase 1.2% of global GDP annually, according to a McKinsey report.

The number of organizations and companies applying AI has grown by 270% in the past four years.