- I live a good life now, says Maria Pedersen.

The year is 2013 and within the space of just one week, Maria Pedersen has both had a grandchild and lost her son.

The shock was total.

- When the police brought the death warrant to our house, and they had left us, it just felt completely empty.

We had no idea where to turn or what would happen, says volunteer Maria Pedersen.

Dependent support

Maria Pedersen does not remember much of the weeks after the incident.

She describes it as being stuck in a black hole, unable to climb out. 

Today, Maria Pedersen is a volunteer in the organizations suicide zero and Spes (National Association for Suicide Prevention and Survivor Support).

She wants to help more people get the right support.

- We received very little and very poor support.

We didn't have a Spes group in Kalmar then.

It was quiet and lonely, says Maria Pedersen.

National Helpline

The national helpline was closed in 2020. The phone line served as emergency call support for suicidal people and their relatives.

Now several support organizations want to open it.

- You need to get better at taking care of relatives when a suicide has occurred.

We are well on our way in Kalmar County.

But it is important in all regions.

I would also like the helpline to be opened again, says Maria Pedersen.

The matter has been investigated by the Public Health Authority on behalf of the government, which sees that there is a need.

But after the investigation was presented to the government in the spring of 2022, no decision has yet been made to open it.