“They rush about with the ideas of creating an illegal “tribunal” against Russia, but they say nothing about the need to try the Ukrainian leadership and the military for their everyday crimes, which are obvious in fact,” the ministry’s message says.

The Foreign Ministry noted that behind such clumsy tactics there is an attempt to divert attention from the responsibility of the West itself for the commission of these acts.

“It is clear that the Westerners and Kyiv have neither a formal nor a moral right to the mentioned absurd accusations against us,” the department concluded.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the death of 14 people when the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the hospital in Novoaidar.

Also, the acting head of the Luhansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, said that the West's approval of the UAF strike on the hospital in Novoaydar would have a serious impact on the world.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the shelling of hospitals by the Armed Forces of Ukraine a war crime.

The department also pointed to the involvement of the United States in the conflict due to the hushing up of the shelling of the hospital by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.