Ivo assesses that there have been improper conditions at the accommodation which pose a danger to the young people's lives, health and safety in general and that those who run the business do not have the ability to deal with the shortcomings.

The misconduct is said to be about threats and violence, drug use, self-harm, violations and repeated escapes.

In several cases, serious incidents have not been documented.

In addition, the company has disregarded its statutory obligation to carry out a register check of personnel who work with children.

The decision is based on an examination of all young people's records for the period June 1 to October 6 last year.


SVT Nyheter Värmland is looking for people in charge at the youth home.

An employee at the accommodation tells SVT Nyheter Värmland that no one in the management is on site and that it is "messy" in the business right now.

P4 Värmland was the first to tell about this.

The text is updated.

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