Kiruna's new bathhouse looks set to be record expensive.

According to the new municipal councilor Mats Taaveniku (S), the new bathhouse is approaching a cost of one billion.

From originally budgeted to SEK 360 million.

But former municipal councilor Gunnar Selberg (C) does not agree that the cost of the bathhouse construction could be SEK 650 million more expensive than the calculation and believes that the redistribution of redeemed buildings to other buildings with fewer square meters means that the difference will be approximately SEK 250-300 million.

LKAB's responsibility

The additional cost that then arises due to high construction costs in the Swedish Krona, inflation and other unforeseen costs will be borne by LKAB.

- The money that is then missing must be covered by LKAB.

There is a pot of SEK 350 million in a fund that LKAB has set aside.