A week ago, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson's (M) state secretary PM Nilsson was sentenced to a fine for poaching eels in the Blekinge archipelago in 2021. Now he announces via a post on Facebook that he is leaving his job as state secretary and states that he "understands the inappropriateness" of the entire.

According to SVT's domestic political commentator Mats Knutson, the departure is fundamentally about the illegal poaching - and lying about it to the police.

It has also emerged later that Nilsson has been reported for species protection offences, which he himself writes in his Facebook post that he "does not know what it is about" or if it is he "who is the subject of the investigation" as he does not receive that information from the police.

The text is updated.

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Now Ulf Kristersson (M) is commenting on his state secretary's poaching of eels.

Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT and SVT