- After the exchange and arrival in Russia, what is your status now?

- I had and still have the status of a citizen of Ukraine, I even have an internal passport.

But for some time now, Zelensky, who set himself the goal of destroying me as an opposition politician and fighting me to the end, firstly, gave the command to continue investigations and court hearings in my criminal cases.

Secondly, he deprived me of my citizenship on the basis of suspicion that I have Russian citizenship.

But I never had it, and there was no need for it, because I am a Ukrainian politician, I was, and still am today...

I have spent all these months to restore, to assemble a team.

Many people came from Kyiv, many are outside Ukraine today...

It is necessary that in Russia, and in Ukraine, and in the West they hear the voice of another Ukraine.

And she is.

The “monolith” that allegedly appears to be Zelensky is a monolith that has been sucked from the finger.

This is a monolith on bayonets.

Today he represents Ukraine and says that the Ukrainian people have united in the issue of anti-Russian hysteria and cave Russophobia.

This is not true.

In addition to anti-Russia, there are people on the territory of Ukraine who today are afraid to talk about it publicly, but they have never supported the nature and content of relations between Ukraine and Russia that have developed today.

— You stand for a new Ukraine.

You said in the article that a new movement is needed to save Ukraine and that you are against the country becoming a site of geopolitical showdowns.

— There are people who oppose Zelensky's policies.

This other Ukraine must be heard.

It can be heard if its representative office appears... And I propose today to raise the question not about what the future of Ukraine will be like.

Because today, in fact, Ukraine does not exist.

There is no such state.

I am a constitutional lawyer.

The Constitution states that Ukraine is an independent, sovereign, democratic, legal and social power.

None of these requirements today corresponds to the status that Ukraine actually has.

It has ceased to be independent and sovereign, because since 2014 it has passed completely under the external control of the West, the United States and Britain.

It is not social and legal today.

Because the media are illegally closed in the country without a judicial and constitutional order, which directly provides for this, those who express a different point of view are destroyed ...

The economy has been destroyed.

The fall in GDP today is more than 30%.

I will give you an example.

When there was a global crisis in 2008-2009, this drop amounted to 14% of GDP, and it was restored until 2013.

And until 2019-2021, they could not restore what was in 2013.

There is no economy.

The drop in production level is 70%.

Unemployment is 35% today...

Fall in agriculture, fall in industry, rising prices.

All this indicates that no social programs can be implemented today.

Let me give you an example: today the minimum pension is $57, and the cost of living is $70.

  • globallookpress.com

  • © Evgen Kotenko/Keystone Press Agency

In fact, there is no state, because the basis of state policy is the policy of neo-Nazism, which is professed by Zelensky and his entourage.

And while neo-Nazism will dominate, I believe that talking about the future of such a country is not only incorrect, it is wrong.

I propose to talk about the future of Ukrainians.

Ukrainians who are there and do not agree with Zelensky's policy.

Ukrainians who were forced to leave the country and are in another place.

This position, this point of view of disagreement and confrontation... must be presented.

This is the task that today (solves. -


) that team of supporters and people who are ready to continue their activities in this direction and work to clarify what destroys the narratives of Western ideology that led to this anti-Russian hysteria and cave Russophobia that created with its foundations and pressure against anti-Russia on the territory of Ukraine.

That is, to act through the consciousness of people.

To reveal to them the truth and reality of what is happening today in Ukraine.

And then these people should talk about the future...

We must talk about the future and demand this future.

But this will be possible only under conditions when the country ceases to be militaristic, when the country ceases to follow the policy of neo-Nazism.

Because under these circumstances there can be no Ukraine in the future.

As it cannot be if the policy of Zelensky continues, who is trying to oppose the entire West to Russia, arranging and handing over Ukraine as a training ground for military operations in the interests of the West.

Because the war in Ukraine today is not being fought for Ukraine.

It is conducted for the interests of the West and exclusively in the interests of the West.

This is what needs to be conveyed to people, to present arguments that can testify to this.

“Ukraine is not monolithic in its views”

- Your new movement, which you wrote about in the article ... How do you see what will come out of this situation?

- This is a new socio-political movement that should demonstrate that Zelensky, intelligently speaking, is wrong.

Because when he says that there is a "monolith" behind him - the Ukrainian people - and he believes that Russia should be destroyed and the West should help in this, then I say: this is not so.

When we unite these people and find out their position (and for some reason I am sure that this position is against the authorities and against Zelensky), it will be completely different.

This movement will show that Ukraine is not monolithic in its views and in its alleged support for Zelensky and his criminal regime.

That's the main task today.

And to talk about what this social movement will do, what representative it will elect, depends on the millions of people who are in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.

These are the millions who do not agree with Zelensky's actions.

They must be crystallized today, they must be united by common ideas, they must be united by a common representation, and then we can talk about the future of Ukrainians.

And about what they are ready to do today so that this future, as they used to say, is bright and problem-free.

Although this is still so far away and very, very much needs to be done.

  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky

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  • © Alex Wong

For some reason, the Western media saw in your article Russia's nuclear blackmail of Europe and the United States.

Is it so?

— Yes, the West is most interested in this.

And it is very valuable, in my opinion, that they heard it.

Because this is also my point of view - today we must move along the path of detente.

And detente is possible if the interests of both Russia and all other countries are taken into account.

Including security interests.

Or continue to pursue a policy of escalation of tension, which could lead to a world war.

How can you call it today, when virtually all 30 NATO member countries, including those that claim this “high rank”, provide assistance in armaments, equipment, supplying this equipment to the training ground, which the West, the USA and Britain have leased from Zelensky?

And today, for some reason, this training ground is called Ukraine, and for some reason the action takes place there.

What else can it be called?

And that's why I'm talking about this, that all this can end, including a nuclear conflict.

This cannot be ruled out.

And given how the West today is an obedient resource in the hands, in the calls of Zelensky, who is already teaching them how to bring countries - their countries, Western politicians - to impoverishment, as he basically did in Ukraine, and that today he “inspires” the West to go to war with Russia, to call for the destruction of Russia, they must understand what this can lead to.

Therefore, it was not a random mention.

This is my point of view, and I expressed it openly.