Eggs can be a great breakfast and dinner for some, and they are a staple in most diets and diets. Some even go on the so-called “egg diet” to lose weight.

One large egg contains about 70 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat, and it's carb-free.

There is no doubt that eggs have many health benefits, because they contain many nutrients, such as protein and omega-3 acids. However, some research indicates that eggs can be dispensed with in your diet and replaced with other types of foods that provide you with the same nutrients, but At the same time you will avoid the following damages:

Eating eggs alone can cause constipation

Eggs contain a lot of protein, but they don't contain any fiber that aids digestion.

Lack of fiber leads to constipation, so if you only eat eggs, you may suffer from constipation, especially if you eat large amounts of eggs alone.

This is why it is best to mix eggs with high-fiber foods, such as spinach, leafy greens, and tomatoes.

It is best to mix eggs with foods rich in fiber, such as spinach, leafy green vegetables, and tomatoes (Pixabay).

  • Increased cholesterol levels

A study found that eliminating eggs from your diet completely can make you live longer, because egg yolks contain high levels of cholesterol.

  • The appearance of acne

Eggs may cause acne, which is caused by high levels of progesterone hormones (available in eggs).

Naturally, our bodies produce these hormones on their own, but by eating eggs, we are injecting additional hormones into our bodies.

So if you suddenly see pimples, acne or some skin breakouts, the reason may be that you are eating large amounts of eggs on a regular basis.

Eggs may cause acne, which results from high levels of progesterone hormones (Deutsche Welle)

  • Increased chances of heart disease

Healthy people can eat about 7 eggs per week without harming heart health, and eating plenty of eggs may be beneficial for you to reduce your chances of having a stroke or improve your eyesight, however if you have a health problem, such as diabetes, eating a large amount of eggs per week, may increase the chances of heart disease.

One study found that men who eat more than one egg per day are more likely to develop heart disease.

  • bloating

Eggs are a satisfying meal for some, but if you are sensitive to certain foods, or if you are wondering why you are bloated or gassy after eating eggs, it may be necessary to do an allergy test before continuing with your eating habits.

An egg intolerance means that you cannot properly digest a certain ingredient in it, and you may not have the necessary enzymes in your body to break it down.

In this case, eating eggs will expose you to bloating, stomach pain, headache and stress.