The country's folk high schools face a bleak future.

And this is due, according to the Folkbildningsrådet, mainly to the fact that the government now does not choose to extend the extra support that folk high schools have received for the past three years.

- It was a welcome support because the basic grant that folk high schools receive every year has not been written up with inflation and teacher salaries, which have gone up in recent years, says Maria Graner.

Worries about the future

According to the Folkbildningsrådet, many folk high schools had hoped for continued extra support in tough times.

- This support has been a relief for the folk high schools during the pandemic.

Now that it disappears and the regular grant is not written up, at the same time as we have the inflation we have with electricity prices, it will be tough for many folk high schools.

And there will be a sharp reduction in education places according to the National Education Council.

Hear Maria Graner give her gloomy picture in the clip