As the specialist explained, such a reaction can occur in patients who are already allergic to the hair of cats, dogs and sheep.

According to her, people can suffer from allergies to carpets, blankets, soft toys, as well as scarves and sweaters.

“In addition, woolen clothes can also be sources of dust mites that accumulate in them.

Most often, this kind of allergy manifests itself as an allergic rhinitis, which is expressed by nasal congestion, mucous secretions, allergic conjunctivitis and dermatitis may be added when allergens come into contact with the skin, ”the RT interlocutor emphasized.

She noted that allergic diseases are now easily diagnosed, so in this case, you need to see a doctor, conduct examinations.

“It used to be thought that children and teenagers were more likely to suffer from allergies.

Now everything has changed.

Genetically, there is a certain predisposition, but the disease can manifest itself at any age, ”the expert concluded.

Previously, immunologist Lapa gave advice on how to protect against cold allergies.