
Russian forces attacked a nine-story apartment building in a large Ukrainian city over the weekend, killing 40 people and leaving more than 30 missing.

More than 9,000 Ukrainian civilians, including about 400 children, have been killed so far in these indiscriminate bombings.

As the uneasy daily life, not knowing when the shells will fall, some places make bunker-type houses for the safety of their families.

Reporter Kim Yong-cheol will tell you about this.

[ Reporter

] Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, where Russia's bombing continues.

Suslin, who runs a business here, has devised a new home for his family to live in safety.

[Olexi Suslin/Founder of 'House Project': This bedroom is for 3 people.

There are 3 comfortable beds.

It's on the very inside.

This is the kitchen.] The

bunker-type house has a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a stove.

It has water, food, electricity and heating for a family of three for a week, and the entrance is made of steel and cannot be entered without blowing it up.

[Olexi Suslin/Founder of 'The Nest Project': This nest has a bulletproof door.

If there are people inside, intruders must blow up the door to get in.]

Water supply, drainage, and ventilation facilities are all installed on the floor of the structure.

It takes about two months to build an underground bunker-type house that can withstand 152 mm cannon.

Container-type houses completed on the ground are buried underground and covered with concrete to reinforce them.

[Olexander Cirva/Founder of the 'House Project': If the concrete is thickened and buried a little deeper, it can withstand large shells or ballistic missiles.]

The price of a 17 square meter bunker house is $60,000, our money is 74 million. This is the price of a 2 bedroom apartment in Kharkiv.

As the demand for underground bunker-type houses increased due to the continuing Russian bombing, the hands of the 'House Project' agents who set out to build safe houses became even busier.

(Video editing: Jeong Seong-hoon)