This is how diabetes care would change with new medicine - see the clip

It is still a mystery why the body's immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas so that over time they no longer produce insulin.

People who suffer from type 1 diabetes must therefore be treated for life.

Prevent the course of the disease

The research project at the University of Gothenburg, which includes 127 people, investigates whether it is possible to stop or prevent the course of the disease, so that the body's insulin production is protected.

The medicine that is normally used for psoriasis is also hoped to be able to prevent the body's signal, called IL-17, from destroying the insulin-producing cells.

- We believe this signal is important in the destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas that produce the body's insulin, says Marcus Lind.

Just got sick

The work is led from Uddevalla, but the patients are found all over Sweden.

What they have in common is that they have contracted diabetes type 1 in the last 100 days.

Half of the patients receive medication, the other group a placebo.

Patients' insulin production and sugar levels will then be followed for the next twelve months before a result can be compiled.

- Diabetes is a disease that requires a lot of commitment.

A new treatment would make a big difference.