According to Ivo, lack of staff and care places are the main reasons for the current situation in emergency hospitals.

According to Ivo, none of the 27 emergency hospitals that were inspected follow the existing laws and regulations, and none of the regions live up to the requirements either.

Among the observations made by Ivo can be mentioned, among other things, that "patients are cared for for a long time in corridors or in other privacy-infringing and inappropriate places, without getting enough food, water or even help to go to the toilet".

Do not approach patient in cardiac arrest

In one hospital, staff did not get a defibrillator to a patient in cardiac arrest in time because the corridor was filled with patients.

The patient with cardiac arrest died.

Half of the hospitals state that they are forced to send patients home from the emergency department every week, despite the fact that they had to be admitted for treatment.

Ivo also describes how patients are equipped with pot lids and bells to get the staff's attention.

Medicines are not given at all or not on time.

- It goes without saying - it is difficult to provide good care under such conditions, says Sofia Wallström.

Sweden has good medical results internationally, but with comparable countries there are shortcomings in waiting times and number of care places.

The latter have decreased in the last 20 years, and according to Ivo, the regions have reduced care places too much in the hospitals - without having ensured that the care can be provided in other parts of the care system.

Minister of Health: "Gone too far"

Minister of Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) believes that politics bears the responsibility for allowing care places to decrease for a long time.

- It has gone too far.

I intend to do everything I can to change the development and ensure that we get more care places and greater primary care.

And if we are to succeed in that - then we have to change the working environment.

According to Sofia Wallström, it is important not to solely blame staff shortages as the cause behind the problems.

- But there is a lack of personnel who want to work in the regions under these working conditions, and only the regions can remedy that, says Wallström.