A former employee of a Swedish intelligence agency has been sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage and other charges for providing classified information to Russia for many years.

On the 19th, the Stockholm District Court in Sweden sentenced a former staff member who worked for the intelligence agency and the Swedish army to life imprisonment for crimes such as acting as a spy.

According to the ruling, the former employee obtained about 90 pieces of classified information over a period of about 10 years in order to provide it to Russia.

In addition, there were traces of handling confidential information and a large amount of cash from the personal computer.

The court also sentenced his brother to 9 years and 10 months in prison for acting as a spy for contacting and receiving money from the Russian government and the Russian Defense Ministry's GRU. handed down the verdict.

The Swedish intelligence agency issued a statement and expressed strong concern that it was "a very serious criminal act and should never happen."