Yanis Darras 8:45 a.m., January 17, 2023

Senator LR from Vendée Bruno Retailleau was the guest this Tuesday morning of Europe 1. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the President of the Republicans at the Luxembourg Palace returned to the future immigration bill presented by the majority, which will be examined by the Senate next March.

A text that could be voted on by the senator, provided that there is "no regularization of workers". 

Measures to make "the obligations to leave French territory" more effective, facilitate the integration of immigrant workers... Last November, Gérard Darmanin unveiled his bill on immigration.

Objective for the Minister of the Interior: to show more firmness towards those who commit crimes, while facilitating the arrival of newcomers who can work in jobs in tension. 

Invited this Tuesday morning on Europe 1, Senator LR was particularly opposed to the project carried out by the former mayor of Tourcoing.