North Korea has announced that it will hold a Supreme People's Assembly of representatives from various regions on the 17th.

At the meeting, it is expected that the budget will be decided in accordance with the policy of further spurring nuclear and missile development, which General Secretary Kim Jong-un (Kim Jong-un) indicated at the end of last month.

The Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea is held once or twice a year in order to deliberate on the country's budget, laws, personnel affairs, etc., gathering representatives from various places in the capital Pyongyang. We have announced that the next meeting will be held on the 17th.

In his speech at the General Assembly of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea at the end of last month, General Secretary Kim Jong-un announced that it will be 75 years since the founding of the country, and that together with the development of a new ICBM = intercontinental ballistic missile, tactical nuclear weapons will be mass-produced. However, it has just announced a policy to rapidly increase the number of nuclear warheads.

For this reason, following on from the previous meeting, where laws stipulating the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons were adopted, it is expected that the budget will be decided at this meeting in accordance with General Secretary Kim's policy of further accelerating nuclear and missile development.

General Secretary Kim has made clear his confrontational attitude toward the three countries that are strengthening security cooperation, such as accusing the United States of trying to form a new military bloc with its allies Japan and South Korea. Attention is also being paid to whether he will attend the meeting and give a speech.