Fluid retention in the body and face is a common symptom, due to factors that we are exposed to daily, such as allergies, lack of sleep, eating salty foods, hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, or standing for long hours.

The treatment of bloating does not require medical intervention, unless you feel pain, or the bloating is the result of exposure to a chemical, or home remedies fail.

But you should know that chronic bloating usually affects only pregnant women, adults over the age of 65, and those with edema caused by an underlying disease.

What do you eat to relieve bloating?

Several foods help prevent bloating in the face and abdomen when you wake up, but it takes hours to reduce the already existing bloating.

Therefore, if you need youthful skin and a taut stomach the next day, you should include these foods in a healthy diet, which are: garlic, beets, yogurt, strawberries, raspberries, bell peppers, whole grains, parsley, white beans, lentils, and oats. .

Other vegetables and fruits contain anti-inflammatory properties, and have soothing properties for the digestive system, so that it can work again and get rid of water and gases. This list includes: ginger, lemon, banana, avocado, cucumber, orange, pineapple, celery, tomato, artichoke, spinach, and sweet potato. .

These foods are suitable for irritable bowel patients, and it is sufficient to eat slices of them, or half a dish of vegetables or fruits, to restore the balance of the body.

Except for bananas, you need 3 fruits throughout the day to reduce bloating.

Vegetables and fruits contain anti-inflammatory and have soothing properties for the digestive system (Shutterstock)

Reduce salt

Sodium controls the balance of fluids in your body, including the amount of blood, and the widening of blood vessels;

Eating too much salt raises your blood pressure and causes your body to hold on to fluids, pulling water into your blood vessels and widening them.

Enlarged blood vessels cause swelling in your face, legs, or feet. To relieve these symptoms, you should cut down on the amount of salt you eat, and try not to eat more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day, less than a teaspoon of salt.

Meals rich in monosodium should also be avoided, such as Chinese foods, Indian foods, pizza, sushi, processed meats, and canned foods.

But if you are a fan of these foods, canned food can be rinsed from the brine, and avoid combining sodium with simple carbohydrates, because every gram of simple carbohydrates locks 3 grams of water in the body.

Hydrate your body

Drinking plenty of water may be a solution to fill the body with fluids, because the body retains water if we consume less of it, to protect its organs and functions from the risk of dehydration.

Therefore, you may notice the spread of bloating in the winter, because we neglect to moisturize the body.

Drinking 2 liters per day is considered an average rate, which protects your body from dehydration and fluid retention, but be aware of the need to reduce fluid drinking two hours before bedtime.

take some rest

Insomnia and lack of hours of sleep cause fluid retention in the body, and getting enough sleep, from 7 to 9 hours a day, is a medium amount for resting your body.

To help the body drain fluids, the sleeping position should be modified, by adding a pillow under the head, or adding a support to raise the mattress a few inches.

You can also add a pillow under your feet if they are swollen, or below the knees, to drain fluid trapped in the thighs, and relieve pain, after a hard day's work.

Eating too much salt raises blood pressure and causes your body to hold on to fluids (Shutterstock)

Body Massage

Body massage helps to drain the settled water between the tissues, whether it is a dry massage, a light oil massage, a home scrub made of sugar, or ground rice.

You can press your fingertips on the swollen areas, then make circular motions, in the direction of the pelvis. If you are massaging your stomach and arms, you should massage downwards, and massage the feet and legs up, so that the fluids head towards the bladder.

To relieve fluids in the cheeks and under the eyes, a clean cloth can be wetted with cold water, squeezed, and patted on your eyes for a few minutes. The cloth can also be replaced with black tea bags, after soaking it in warm water, cooling it in the refrigerator or cooler, and using it before it freezes.

If the massage causes any pain, it is best to stop it immediately and consult a doctor.

Avoid allergens

Allergies cause inflammatory symptoms, and increase fluid retention in the body. Therefore, allergens, such as pollen, mold, or lint, should be avoided, and a medical face mask should be worn when the wind blows.

Consider rinsing your nose with saline, and if symptoms get severe, over-the-counter antihistamines may help, unless you have heart disease or high blood pressure.