The latest clash with the Ministry of


on account of some controversial words in a joking tone from the

number two

of Irene Montero about the cascade of reductions in sentences for sexual offenders fuels misgivings in the PSOE towards coexistence with Podemos.

Despite the fact that Pedro Sánchez is determined, and almost obliged, to maintain the unity of the coalition, in the party there are many officials who admit that the continuous controversies with his partners affect his image and harm them.

Beyond the sectors and the barons, such as Emiliano García-Page or Javier Lambán, who openly renounce alliances with the nationalists, in the socialist formation it is admitted by many, including relevant positions, that "the relationship with Podemos is what hurts us the most."

They consider that it is a permanent wear, almost daily, while the controversial issues with the nationalists come and go.

Even from those federations most open to pacts, be it with the


or with the nationalists, this wear is assumed.

Also in


, from the national leadership, they assume that the continuous clashes and frictions, and the controversies that Podemos generates, as on this occasion, affect the Government because "in the end we are all on the same page."

The latest anger, which has been deep within the


and the socialist sector of the Government, originated from some relaxed statements during an act organized by Podemos by the Secretary of State for Equality,

Ángela Rodríguez

, ironizing the cascade of sales of Penalties for sexual offenders after the entry into force of the law of only yes is yes.

Yesterday, after the pressure of the PSOE and the tremendous discomfort transferred, increased because the high office, instead of rectifying, initially shielded itself under the pretext of "manipulation" and "misrepresentation", Rodríguez was forced to ask for "all the apologies that are necessary to all the people who may not like the tone", but maintaining the parapet of "manipulation".

The Secretary of State for Equality laughs at the exit of rapists to the streets / Video: Podemos

With this, from Ferraz they tried to conclude this controversy.

"We believe that this is the way."

The socialists demanded a rectification but avoided requesting the cessation of the number two of Equality, aware that it is a parcel of power in which

United Podemos

decides and that

Pedro Sánchez

is not in the business of putting in check, but rather blowing up, the coalition with his cessation in the middle of an election year.

But within the PSOE, the attitude of Podemos is annoying.

They remember, for example, their closure in band to modify a single comma of the law of only yes is yes after having assured from Equality that there would be no reduction in sentences and in the face of the "social alarm" generated by the already more than 150 revisions lowering sentences for sexual offenders.

Or the open challenges on issues such as the


Law or the

Animal Welfare Law

, here with changes in the position of the PSOE as well.

"They go for free", complain in the PSOE consulted charges.

"They make the stability of the


very difficult ."

Within the party, even those who deal and negotiate with them assume that on many occasions they do not provide "serenity" and "play with fire with many issues" and "it is very difficult for them to rectify."

The fear is that the "dispute" that Podemos maintains with Yolanda Díaz "will do more damage" because, they believe, "they are strangled."

The general feeling in the PSOE and the socialist sector of the Government is that this constant "noise", whose fault is discharged in most cases in Podemos, although the PSOE also generates some clashes, prevents the public from seeing the measures that are being take, get the message across.

"The important thing is to know what the Government is doing," repeat the Socialists.

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