The day after 21-year-old Tove's disappearance, two young women, 18 and 20 years old respectively, were arrested.

They were served with suspicion of kidnapping, but Adam Rullman tells P4 Jönköping that they immediately began to fear that Tove was in fact dead.

- We immediately judged that this is not true, he says to the radio.

The two arrested women were the last known people to have met Tove.

They are now in custody on suspicion of murder and grave breach.

Admitted assault and violation of grave peace

Tove disappeared after a night out in Vetlanda on October 16, and was found dead in the forest two weeks later.

The 18- and 20-year-old have always denied wrongdoing, but earlier this week the older of them changed his attitude.

She admits assault and trespassing.

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Photo: SVT