When the school week ends, Hilma and Linn, 12, from Skurup usually go into Malmö to shop at the Emporia shopping centre.

This Friday, they were given a ride in by Linn's older sister Emma and her boyfriend.

Once inside the mall, Emma is looking at clothes in a store when they suddenly hear gunshots outside the store.

- People started running outside the store so I immediately realized that someone was shooting, says Emma.

Took shelter in a layer

In the SVT documentary "It's someone who shoots", Emma tells how she managed to get Hilma and Linn to take shelter in the store's storage room.

And there they remained.

- I started crying because I was really scared, says Linn.

- I had no thoughts, all thoughts just disappeared.

I just stood there, explains Hilma.

Hear more of their stories from inside Emporia in the clip above.

"Thought he was going to shoot us"

Inside the store's warehouse, older sister Emma sits and thinks about what people would say if something were to happen to Hilma and Linn.

- I was very scared myself, but I tried to show that I was the big one here.

I thought: "Now something will go terribly wrong and everyone will blame me," she says.

Finally, there is a firm knock on the door.

A man says he is the police and they can come out.

Hilma, Linn and Emma dare not trust him.

- I thought it was he who shot who was going to shoot us now, says Linn.

Eventually they were convinced it was actually a police officer and they were able to get help out of the mall to hug their families.

- I feel very proud that I brought Hilma and Linn with me without anything serious happening to them, says older sister Emma.

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In the video, you get a summary of the event - in 60 seconds.

Photo: TT