- Here, of course, there are some factors in the entire sequence of events and the legislation we have to deal with now that might make the Supreme Court interested in looking at it, including his young age and so on, so we'll see, says defense lawyer Anders Elison to TT.

The decision has been made by consensus between the 18-year-old and his next of kin, according to Elison, who does not want to go into more detail about how the argument in the appeal should be laid out.

It will be submitted shortly.

Historically hard

Two changes to the law in a short time made it possible to sentence the 18-year-old to a historically harsh sentence in relation to his age.

It was on March 21 this year that he locked himself in a toilet at his school with two knives, an ax and a hammer.

Wearing a scarf, mask and ear muffs, he then stood outside another toilet door.

The female teacher who came out through it was attacked first.

Another teacher who witnessed the attack was chased through the corridor before she too was attacked.

Both women suffered such severe injuries that they lost their lives.

Have admitted

The eighteen-year-old has confessed to all the deeds and explained his actions by saying that he wanted to carry out a deed that was so terrible that everyone would afterwards distance themselves from him.

During the Court of Appeal hearing, the defense referred to the perpetrator's autism as an explanation for why the act could take place.

But in addition to the forensic psychiatric examination, the National Board of Health and Welfare's legal council has also determined that the 18-year-old did not suffer from a serious mental disorder at the time of the crime - or at the time of the examination.

The Court of Appeal also considered that his development and judgment have been deficient compared to others of the same age.

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Get a summary of what happened during the crime at the high school Malmö Latinskola on Monday.

Photo: TT