Russian doctors are calling for an end to the abuse of Alexei Navalny.

An appeal published on Tuesday calls on President Putin to end Navalny's solitary confinement and ensure adequate medical care.

Frederick Smith

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

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On Monday it became known that Navalnyj had been put in the prison camp in Melekhovo for the tenth time, five hours by car east of Moscow, on December 31 for a maximum period of 15 days.

The reason, Navalnyjs said on social media, was that he washed at 5:24 a.m. and not at six in the morning as prescribed.

In addition, Navalnyj reported that a cellmate was being transferred from the detention center to the infirmary filled with influenza patients and back, as a kind of “biological weapon”.

A lawyer reported that the "weapon" "unfortunately worked" and that Navalnyj was suffering from fever, chills and a cough.

"We're trying to give him medication."

The doctors wrote in their appeal on Facebook (which in Russia can only be accessed via a VPN detour) that they could not "watch calmly" as Navalnyj's "health was deliberately damaged".

By Tuesday afternoon, 170 names had already been placed under the appeal.

In the spring of 2021, pressure from doctors, among others, caused Russia's most prominent political prisoner to be treated for a back problem.