- It started when I got a question about writing erotica, it would be feminist, positive and inclusive erotica, says Backolars Johan. 

Since then he has continued to write erotic short stories and in three years there have been 100. 

- The text should be fairly short, but you should still get a lot into it.

It should be somewhat predictable, but it must not feel banal or clichéd, so it is important to weigh and vary the words, he says.

Still a loaded topic 

Those who read his books are of mixed ages, but above all women between 30 and 50 years old.

Although the erotic short stories are popular among readers, the genre is still something that is not talked about much.

- What is very popular is usually not so nice, and besides, sex is still a subject that is charged for a lot of people, says Backolar's Johan.

Follow along in the clip to Backolar's Johan's writing room, and hear why he likes to write about erotica.