It is in connection with a snowfall passing southern Sweden on Friday that the warnings have been issued.

In parts of Skåne, Västra Götaland, Värmland and Öland, among others, SMHI warns of the combination of strong winds and snowfall.

Due to the weather, several bus and train departures are canceled in Dalsland.

According to SMHI, there may be 5-10 centimeters of fresh snow locally.

For southern Örebro County, Östergötland, Jönköping County, Kronoberg County, Blekinge and the mainland of Kalmar County, a snowfall warning has been issued from Friday afternoon.

Risk of freezing rain

Snowy weather can, among other things, affect the accessibility of traffic, cause delays in public transport and disruptions in the electricity and telecommunications supply.

During the night to Saturday, the snowfall is expected to subside and in some places change to rain, which may locally be sub-freezing.

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Meteorologist Jannicke Hansen Geitskaret tells more about the snowstorm in the clip above.

Photo: SVT/Archive images