20 candidates are running for the early mayoral election on March 5 in Frankfurt.

After examining the formal requirements, the election committee decided on Friday which applicants meet the requirements.

The number of candidates is even higher than in the 2018 election, which set a record in the city's history with twelve candidates.

Bernhard Biener

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung

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Manuela Rottmann (Die Grünen), Uwe Becker (CDU), Mike Josef (SPD), Daniela Mehler-Würzbach (Die Linke), Yanki Pürsün, Andreas Lobenstein (AfD), Mathias Pfeiffer (BFF), Katharina Tanczos are on the ballot paper (The Party) and Tilo Schwichtenberg (Garden Party) first the candidates of the parties and groups that are represented in the city parliament.

The order in which they are named depends on the results of the parties in the local elections.

Eleven party representatives and nine individual candidates

Other candidates from parties that were not elected to the Römer are Frank Grossenbach for "Die Basis" and Khurrem Akhtar for "Team Todenhöfer".

The tram driver Peter Wirth, better known as "Bahnbabo", the entrepreneur Maja Wolff, the chairman of the Riederwald allotment garden association, Niklas Pauli, the businessman Feng Xu, the "artist" and "futurist" Karl-Maria Schulte and Camara Yamòs are candidates as independent applicants , Sven Junghans, Peter Pawelski and Markus Eulig.

The independent candidates each had to submit 186 signatures from supporters, which corresponds to twice the number of seats in the Römer.

One applicant was not admitted.

The 21st candidate picked up the documents a quarter of an hour before the application deadline on December 26th, and then there were no more signatures. 

The election takes place out of rotation, the reason being the deselection of Peter Feldmann.

The former mayor, who has since been convicted of accepting an advantage, was voted out of office in November 2022, otherwise his term would have run until 2024.