, January 5. After the World Cup final in Carta, an iconic photo of Messi happily raising the Hercules Cup on the court to celebrate, won a record-breaking 74 million likes in Instagram history.

But no one thought that there was actually an oolong behind the photo-the one in Messi's hands was not the real Hercules Cup, but a replica made by fans.

Image source: Messi social media screenshot

  The Spanish "Pais" quoted Argentine media reports on the 4th that the fake trophy actually came from a couple of fans in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Signed to commemorate.

  But during the post-final celebrations, the fake trophy somehow made its way from the stands to Messi, who happily displayed it on camera.

  So, when did Messi know that what he won was not a real trophy?

It is reported that after Di Maria reminded Messi of his own goal at the scene, both of them couldn't help laughing.

  Argentine media photographer Fernando de la Orden broke the story behind the scenes on social media.

He posted a picture of Messi and Di Maria holding the World Cup.

"Di Maria told Leo that Leo had just celebrated with a fake trophy and he had the real trophy and that's why they were laughing," De La Orden said.

  Later, Di Maria also added to the little story: "The security guards told me: 'Please don't give the trophy to anyone.' I told them, but there was another trophy over there. They replied: 'No, No, yours is real, that's why we're with you.' That's what I told Messi."

Image source: Screenshot of the Spanish "Nation" report

  How "disgusting the real" is the Hercules Cup, which made Messi look away?

  The owner of the fake trophy, Manuel Zaro, and his wife explained to Argentine media reporters, "Before the World Cup, we contacted the people who made the trophy, and it took them six months to make it. It weighs the same as the original, and the interior Made of resin and quartz with gold paint finish. There are a few details that are different, but the differences are minor."

  The couple also said they passed the fake trophy to the pitch to keep it as a unique keepsake.

"The idea was to have the players sign it, but in the end, it was brought out on the field several times. The first time, Leandro Paredes' family made him sign it. The second time, it was already in the Been there (on the pitch) for 45 minutes, passed from one player to another, from one relative to another and was still being photographed. Other fans in the stands told us: 'You lost the trophy '."

  "We had a lot of fun, but we wanted to come back. That's when I yelled at several players: 'That trophy that Paredes has, it's ours'. In the end, Lautaro and Martinez Signed it and brought it back." FIFA security also showed up and demanded that the couple hand over the fake trophy for inspection to make sure it wasn't the real one.


  Zara said it was hours after the celebrations that they noticed Messi had been holding their fake trophy.

"When we saw the picture, we realized that Leo had lifted it. We saw details, especially on the plinth, which confirmed it was ours. (Messi wife) Antonella and Messi's A son also lifted the trophy."

  However, the Spanish "Nation" also pointed out that, in fact, the real trophy handed to Messi by FIFA President Infantino only appeared briefly on the court.

Shortly after being lifted by Messi, the real trophy was returned to FIFA headquarters in Switzerland and was replaced by an official replica.