It was during the night of Friday last week that the 30-year-old man barricaded himself in his home and fired several shots.

Initially, the fire alarm must have gone off in the property and the man's neighbors tried to get him out.

He then allegedly objected to it and then barricaded himself in his apartment, where he remained for seven hours.

Police officers on the scene tried to get the man to come out and were then shot at.

The neighbors are also said to have been fired upon, but no one was hit by the man's shots.

Now he is being held on probable cause on suspicion of four counts of attempted murder.

The male suspect admits he was in the apartment, but says he had no intention of harming anyone.

- According to him himself, he must have sat inside in peace and quiet and then it must have become chaos.

And he cannot say how it happened that he fired shots, says prosecutor Kristoffer Sahlin.

Had about ten firearms

The man is said to have had about ten weapons of an older model in the apartment, but none that he has a license for, according to Kristoffer Sahlin.

- Regarding weapons of older models, a weapons license is not needed - but it must now be investigated how old the weapons are, he says.

The man has previously been convicted of weapons offences.

Treated in hospital

The police allegedly fired at least one shot at the man, who then had to be taken to hospital.

On Monday, he was present via link during the detention hearing.

- He has had surgery and a bullet has been removed.

He now seems to be doing well, without complications, says Kristoffer Sahlin.

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During the night of Friday, a large police operation took place in Östhammar after reports of gunfire.

Photo: Emergency Uppsala