Tatiana Geiselmann 09:51, January 01, 2023, modified at 09:52, January 01, 2023

The transition to the new year is also the time to make good resolutions.

Getting back to sport, quitting smoking, taking more time for yourself... January 1st is the time to reset the counters.

This is what the revelers that Europe 1 met in Strasbourg during New Year's Eve do.

The night was probably a bit short for some of us.

In any case, New Year's Eve 2023 was more or less difficult.

Like the rest of the world, France has rocked into a new year full of hope for some.

In Strasbourg, Europe 1 spent New Year's Eve with more or less ambitious revelers on good resolutions.

"More sports"

To pass the new year: first the traditional countdown, then comes the time for good resolutions and there are three categories.

First, the ambitious.

"More sport this year, I will start directly. My goal is to pass the bar of 30 years in shape", assures a young man.

>> Find Europe morning weekend - 6-8 in podcast and replay here

And those who are already 30 years old have suddenly moved into the category of the most realistic.

“There are no good resolutions for 2023 because I never keep them,” admits another.

"Be happy"

Third and last category, the great philosophers of the night.

"Be happy, love each other, do things right, make love, not war. In 2023, we're fucking stupid", smile these party girls.

Neuneus, but not necessarily polite.

The end of swear words may be 2024 instead.