The days around the turn of the year are worrying for many pet owners.

Firecrackers and fireworks can stress animals in different ways.

At Kalmarbygden's field riding club, they keep their 30 riding horses indoors at night.

- We only have two outdoor boxes, but on New Year's weekend we have all our horses indoors, says Lena Brissman.

"You have to think twice"

For the animals, it's about loud noises and light effects that can stress them out.

- In summer, there can be thunder and lightning and thunder, but that's what makes it different.

The fact that it goes on for so long makes it extra difficult with fireworks, she says.

What do you think people should think about if they want to have some fireworks?

- I think you should think twice, not just for the sake of the horses, but for all animals, says Lena Brissman.

See more about the horses and fireworks in the video above.