She very quickly understood that this carpooling would not take place normally.

But not that she was going in the wrong direction.

A 22-year-old carpooler experienced a real journey, when she wanted to join her family in Thénac in Charente-Maritime on the eve of Christmas Eve.

France Bleu Périgord tells how Juliette, who left Annecy on December 23 to go to Charente-Maritime, found herself abandoned in the open countryside by her driver in… Dordogne.

“She looked at us and said too bad for us…”

It all starts badly, since between speeding, insults towards the other passengers, the driver, although very well rated on the carpooling site, quickly puts Juliette uncomfortable, who feels insecure.

Then the night comes, it is there that the driver tells of having an appointment in a Buddhist retreat, in Thénac in… Dordogne.

“She looked at us and told us that it didn't matter, she was going to that Thénac, period.

Too bad for us, ”says Juliette to France Bleu.

The young woman then asks to get out of the car, and finds herself abandoned by the side of the road.

She will wait two hours for a taxi to pick her up, so that she can spend the night in a hotel in Bergerac, before finding a train that will take her to Thénac in Charente-Maritime the next day.

The carpooler indicates that she reported the driver on the carpooling site.


SNCF strike: "The SNCF ruined the Christmas holidays", regret our readers


More than 85% of drivers drive alone in their car, according to Vinci

  • Did you see ?

  • Unusual

  • Carpooling

  • Bergerac

  • Aquitaine

  • Poitou-Charentes