Soprolec was prosecuted before the Clermont-Ferrand Criminal Court (Puy-de-Dôme) for massive pollution of the Dordogne in 2015. The company, private manager of the La Bourboule dam since 2010, was tried in September last for the flow of 52,000 tons of sediment over about twenty kilometers in the river, reports La Montagne.

After a valve problem on the dam, the equivalent of 1,400 semi-trailers of sediment had flowed into the Dordogne, impacting the fauna and flora.

Several associations had filed a complaint, citing a disaster for the environment.

40,000 euros suspended fine

The court has just rendered its deliberation: Soprolec was sentenced to a suspended fine of 40,000 euros and to the publication of the judgment in the press for two months.


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  • Clermont Ferrand

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

  • Auvergne

  • Pollution

  • Court