Hookup+|Anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country Xi Jinping asked to make efforts from these aspects

  From December 23rd to 24th, the Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

The general secretary emphasized that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of a strong agricultural country are strategic deployments made by the Party Central Committee with a view to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

  At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically explained a series of major theoretical and practical issues on building a strong agricultural country, accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and clarified the goals, tasks, and strategic priorities of the "three rural" work at present and in the future It provides a scientific guide and action plan for my country to build a strong agricultural country, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

CCTV's "Lianbo +" sorts out the main points of the general secretary's speech and learns with you.

  Why is it so important to build a strong agricultural country?

  A strong country must first strengthen its agriculture, and only a strong agriculture can make the country strong.

Without a strong agricultural country, there would be no modernized country; without agricultural and rural modernization, socialist modernization would be incomplete.

The general secretary emphasized that we must work hard to do a good job in the "three rural" tasks that focus on rural revitalization, vigorously promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and work hard to speed up the construction of a strong agricultural country.

  What should be paid attention to in building a strong agricultural country?

The general secretary pointed out that a strong agricultural country is the foundation of a strong modern socialist country. Meeting the needs of the people for a better life, achieving high-quality development, and consolidating the foundation of national security are all inseparable from agricultural development.

  ◇Building a strong agricultural country must embody Chinese characteristics, be based on our country’s national conditions, based on the resource endowment of a large population and little land, the historical heritage of farming civilization, and the requirements of the era of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and follow our own path instead of simply copying foreign models of modern agricultural power .

  ◇ We must rely on our own strength to secure our jobs, rely on the two-tier management system to develop agriculture, develop ecological and low-carbon agriculture, continue farming civilization, and solidly promote common prosperity.

  ◇Anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, scientifically plan and promote the "three rural" work, strengthen top-level design, and formulate plans to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country; Resource endowment and development stage, solve the most urgent practical problems in agricultural and rural development, and the most strongly reflected by farmers, and do not engage in face-saving projects that are divorced from reality.

  What is the top priority of building a strong agricultural country?

The general secretary emphasized that ensuring a stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products has always been the top priority of building a strong agricultural country.

  ◇It is necessary to implement a new round of 100 billion jin grain production capacity improvement actions, and formulate implementation plans as soon as possible.

  ◇We must grasp the two key points of cultivated land and seeds, resolutely guard the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, gradually build all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, earnestly achieve results in the revitalization of the seed industry, and firmly hold the leading varieties in our own hands .

  ◇It is necessary to improve the income guarantee mechanism for grain farmers and the compensation mechanism for the interests of main producing areas.

  ◇To ensure food security, efforts must be made to increase production and reduce losses at the same time, and continue to deepen food conservation actions.

  ◇It is necessary to establish a big food concept, build a diversified food supply system, and develop food sources through multiple channels.

  ◇ Strict assessment is required to urge all localities to truly shoulder the responsibility of ensuring food security.

  What is the realistic path to build a strong agricultural country in the new era?

The general secretary pointed out:

  ◇Promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way is an important task for building a strong agricultural country in the new era——

  Manpower input, material resource allocation, and financial security must all be transferred to rural revitalization.

It is necessary to comprehensively promote the "five revitalizations" of industry, talent, culture, ecology, and organization, coordinate deployment, coordinate advancement, focus on key points, and make up for shortcomings.

  ◇Industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization——

  It is necessary to implement the industrial support policy, do a good job of "native products" articles, rely on agricultural and rural characteristic resources, seek benefits from the development of multiple functions of agriculture, tap the multiple values ​​of the countryside, and seek benefits from the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, strengthen the leader and supplement the chain Promote the upgrading of the entire chain of rural industries, enhance market competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities.

  ◇ Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation is the bottom line task of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization——

  It is necessary to continue to tighten the compaction responsibilities, link up the assistance policies and implement measures for the poverty-stricken population and the poverty-stricken areas, and resolutely prevent the phenomenon of whole villages and villages returning to poverty.

We must insist on increasing farmers' income as the central task of the "three rural" work, and do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich.

  Speeding up the construction of a strong agricultural country mainly depends on what?

The general secretary emphasized that it is necessary to rely on the two-wheel drive of science and technology and reform to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country.

  ◇We must keep an eye on the frontiers of agricultural science and technology in the world, vigorously improve the level of agricultural science and technology in our country, and accelerate the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level agricultural science and technology.

  ◇ Efforts should be made to improve the overall efficiency of the innovation system, and solve outstanding problems such as fighting independently, low-level duplication, and low conversion rates.

  ◇Led by tackling key problems in key agricultural technologies and oriented by urgent needs of the industry, focus on chassis technology, core provenance, key agricultural machinery and equipment, etc., give full play to the advantages of the new national system, integrate superior scientific research resources at all levels, and strengthen corporate technological innovation To build an agricultural science and technology innovation system with distinct levels, division of labor and cooperation, and moderate competition.

  ◇ To build a national agricultural science and technology strategic force and support the construction of major innovation platforms in the agricultural field.

  ◇ To deepen rural reform, we must continue to focus on the main line of dealing with the relationship between farmers and land, unify strengthening the foundation of collective ownership, guaranteeing and realizing the rights of farmers’ collective members with the activation of resource elements, and do a good job in the separation of rights and assets of rural collective resources and assets. Improving powers allows farmers to share more results in the reform.

  ◇It is necessary to do a solid job in extending the contract period for another 30 years to ensure that the original contracting rights of most farmers remain stable and extend the contract smoothly.

  ◇It is necessary to develop moderate-scale operations, support the development of new business entities such as family farms and farmers' cooperatives, accelerate the improvement of the agricultural social service system, and serve and drive small farmers well.

  ◇It is necessary to steadily promote the pilot reform of the rural homestead system, deepen the pilot program of rural collective operating construction land entering the market, and improve the land value-added income distribution mechanism.

  ◇It is necessary to break down the institutional barriers that hinder the equal exchange and two-way flow of urban and rural factors, promote development factors and various services to go to the countryside, and take the lead in breaking down the dual structure of urban and rural areas within the county.

  What are the inherent requirements for building a strong agricultural country?

The general secretary emphasized that rural modernization is an inherent requirement and necessary condition for building a strong agricultural country, and building a livable, business-friendly and beautiful countryside is the proper meaning of a strong agricultural country.

  ◇It is necessary to promote agricultural modernization and rural modernization in an integrated manner, and realize the overall improvement of the countryside from the outside to the inside, with both form and spirit.

  ◇Aiming at the goal of "basically having modern living conditions in rural areas", organize and implement rural construction actions, especially to speed up the construction of public service facilities in epidemic prevention, elderly care, education, medical care, etc., and improve the completeness of rural infrastructure and the convenience of public services Degree, comfort of living environment, so that farmers can live a modern and civilized life on the spot.

  ◇It is necessary to improve the rural governance system that combines self-governance led by the party organization, the rule of law, and the rule of virtue, so that the countryside is full of vitality and stable and orderly.

  ◇It is necessary to strengthen the construction of rural spiritual civilization, strengthen the education of the rule of law, promote the change of customs, guide farmers to handle affairs according to the law, find the law when they encounter problems, use the law to solve problems, resolve conflicts and rely on the law, and consciously abide by the village rules and regulations.

  Where does the strong guarantee to speed up the construction of a strong agricultural country come from?

The general secretary pointed out that we must adhere to the unwavering principle of the party's leadership in "three rural" work, improve the leadership system and working mechanism, and provide a strong guarantee for accelerating the construction of a strong agricultural country.

  ◇We must adhere to the five-level secretary to grasp the revitalization of the countryside, and the secretary of the county party committee must be a good "front-line commander".

  ◇It is necessary to intensify the training of agriculture-related cadres, improve the "three rural" work skills, improve the work style, and build a "three rural" cadre team that is politically sound, adapts to the requirements of the new era, and has the ability to lead the construction of a strong agricultural country.

  ◇We must adhere to the combination of local training and external introduction, focus on strengthening the training of village party organization secretaries and leaders of new agricultural management entities, comprehensively improve the quality of farmers, and make good use of local talents.

  ◇We must introduce a group of talents, guide college graduates to the countryside in an orderly manner, capable people return to their hometowns, migrant workers return to their hometowns, and entrepreneurs enter their hometowns to help them solve their worries so that they can stay and start businesses.

  ◇It is necessary to improve the village-level organizational system under the leadership of the village party organization, and build the rural grass-roots party organization into a strong battle fortress for effectively realizing the party's leadership.

For more content, please watch the video ↓

Video: At the Central Rural Work Conference, Xi Jinping emphasized anchoring the goal of building a strong agricultural country and earnestly doing a good job in agricultural and rural work.

Source: CCTV

  (China Central Radio and Television Network CCTV)