Two people have died and three are missing after a bus accident fell into a river on Saturday evening from a bridge in Galicia, in northwestern Spain.

The two victims are passengers, whose bodies were found dead near the wreckage of the bus, the Galicia emergency services said on Twitter.

#AXEGAInforma of a serious accident in #CerdedoCotobade.

A saíuse bus da vía e caeu por unha ponte.

De momento, foron rescatadas tres persoas: o driver e 2 pasaxeiros, dos cales un está falecido (1/3)

— 112Galicia (@112Galicia) December 25, 2022

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Two other people, including the driver of the vehicle, were found alive and hospitalized.

“There could be more people inside the bus”, however warned the emergency services, which published an impressive photo of the wreckage, plunged into a tumultuous stream in the middle of tree trunks. trees.

The search for the missing resumed on Sunday

According to the Spanish Civil Guard, three people are missing.

The search, which had to be temporarily suspended overnight due to bad weather conditions, continued on Sunday morning to find them.

According to a spokesperson for the Civil Guard of Pontevedra, significant resources have been deployed to find the three missing passengers.

Among them are mountain rescue units and speleologists.

The causes of the accident are at this stage unknown.

According to the Civil Guard, the driver of the bus - who provided information to the rescuers on the number of passengers present in the vehicle - tested negative for alcohol and narcotics.

According to the regional daily

La Voz de Galicia

, the bus was bringing back a group of people who had come to visit relatives detained at the Monterroso prison center in central Galicia.


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Miscellaneous facts

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  • World

  • Spain

  • Accident