It is about 40 covid patients, 30 people are hospitalized in Helsingborg and ten in Ängelholm.

- Two of these are in intensive care, says Thomas Wallén.

It was only at the beginning of January this year that the number of people admitted went up to 40.

But this year, that level is reached before the Christmas holiday.

- We also have the RS virus and the flu which hit us hard, says Thomas Wallén.

Goes into special crisis management

Inspired by the serious situation, the hospital director has this week made the decision to go into special crisis management, which is the step before staff status.

- I thought it was necessary.

This means that I have meetings with managers daily, even on weekends, to monitor the situation and possibly make new decisions.

Highest sickness absence in three years

The staff at the hospital are also affected.

Right now, 250 to 300 employees, out of roughly 3,000, are at home due to illness or caring for a sick child.

- This is the highest number we have had in three years.

There is a lot of overtime and extra shifts right now.

The hospital in Helsingborg has for some time had problems with overcrowding, something that is still a concern.

- During Thursday we had 40 overcrowdings, says Thomas Wallén.