Women are the spirit of life, its pulse, and the joy of the universe, as Confucius says, but women have sharp mood swings;

Because of her biological and psychological makeup, she suffers from a monthly disease called the period, and also suffers from bouts of colic and cramps, draining of energy and frequent headaches, not to mention getting a job, taking care of the family, maintaining social relations, and the beautiful appearance that she is keen to appear while doing all this. daily and constantly.

Perhaps the best way for a woman to be able to do all of this is to control what she eats and drinks, as food is an effective weapon in the hands of women if they are properly exploited.

Therefore, choosing the best foods is crucial to protect women from a variety of risks to their health.

These foods can prevent diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and breast cancer, and they can also strengthen bones and the immune system, and protect the skin... and other health benefits.

To you, here, are the best foods and foods that a woman can eat daily, according to what was mentioned by some specialized platforms and websites, such as "womenlines", "HealthKart", "EatThis" and "Easy Life". Review" (easy life review).

1- Fish of all kinds, especially sardines and salmon

Fatty fish, such as wild salmon, herring, and sardines, owe their health-promoting superpowers;

Because of its high content of Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids.

The first helps reduce the risk of developing arthritis, prevents osteoporosis, and powerful anti-inflammatory fatty acids help reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by more than 33%, build immunity, give you healthy skin, stronger hair, and may even make your child smarter too.

2- Broccoli is the enemy of cancer cells

All cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, work great for women's health.

Studies indicate that broccoli is rich in a compound called sulforaphane, which prevents the formation of cancer cells and effectively reduces breast cancer. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C, which greatly enhances your immunity.

3- Garlic is a star in the fight against heart disease

Garlic contains phytochemicals, including allicin, which reduces high blood pressure by up to 10 points, similar to what blood pressure medications do, but cooking and cooking greatly reduces its effectiveness, so it is recommended to eat it raw or on the stove. Powder form, or mix it with other ingredients such as milk to reduce its sharpness.

Choosing healthy food improves women's health and psychological state (Shutterstock)

4- Olive oil is the enemy of cholesterol

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a Mediterranean diet, which includes healthy fats such as olive oil, prevents about 30 percent of heart attacks, strokes, and deaths from heart disease. Olives, in particular, are loaded with monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

5- Blueberries defy aging

Blueberries are one of the most effective anti-ageing superfoods, rich in antioxidants.

The color of this type of berry comes from a compound called anthocyanidin, which is responsible for all the powerful health benefits of blueberries. It cleanses the body, renews cells, and keeps the skin smooth and wrinkle-free, and these are things that every woman is keen on.

It is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, reducing the risk of heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and a host of age-related issues.

6- Almonds are an essential component of a healthy diet

Almonds are one of the most versatile ingredients that should be added to your diet. They are rich in fiber, aid in digestion, and are known to improve calcium absorption, thus protecting bone health and preventing osteoporosis in women.

Almonds contain a lot of healthy fats, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. Other benefits of almonds include lowering blood sugar levels, lowering blood pressure, and also helps in losing weight and increasing agility in women.

7- Beetroot happiness juice

Ruby-red vegetables are the most effective in lowering blood pressure and improving mood, including beetroot, which is the best juice for health. One cup of it fills your body with potassium, gives you vitality, activity, and a feeling of happiness.

Because it contains betaine, which helps raise serotonin levels (the happy hormone) in the brain, and a British study found that it increases stamina by 15%.

8- Sweet potatoes provide women with energy and boost immunity and heart health

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fiber, in addition to containing a group of vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium and selenium, which provide women with energy, enhance their immunity and healthy hearts.

It is a good source of most B vitamins and vitamin C, in addition to being a nutritious snack that replaces fatty foods, which helps fight obesity and give women the grace they want to achieve.

Correct nutrition protection (Getty Images)

9- Coriander for fresh skin

If you suffer from excess subcutaneous fat that may lead to sagging, especially in the hips and thighs, you are certainly not alone in this, as 90% of women have suffered from this condition at some point in their lives.

One solution to this problem is eating fresh herbs, especially coriander, which promote detoxification by helping remove heavy metals from the body that tend to hide in fat cells.

The antioxidants present in coriander extract also enhance skin radiance and help prevent cellular damage that can accelerate skin aging.

10- Lentils

Lentils help lower cholesterol, prevent diabetes and colon cancer, prevent constipation, and contain iron and potassium that counteract the bad effects of salt and lower blood pressure.