Wednesday offers plus degrees in several parts of the country.

In the run-up to Christmas Eve, those who wish for a white Christmas are bleak sights.

But according to SVT's meteorologist Marcus Sjöstedt, it is still too early for the snow lover to say no.

- During Thursday and into Friday, the plus degrees we are seeing right now will push down towards minus degrees in several places in the country.

It is the plus degrees that eat up much of the snowfall and the snow that is on the slopes.

The change between plus and minus degrees means that those who are going out and traveling in the coming days should be careful:

- We can have wet road surfaces that freeze.

It can rain and then the cold temperatures come.

So it can be a bit tricky for those who are going out on the roads.

See more of meteorologist Marcus Sjöstedt's forecast in the player above.