"His disappearance leaves a huge void", we commented in this EDF subsidiary specializing in energy services, welcoming a "committed" man and his "benevolence".

At Dalkia, this former HEC graduate was in charge of the legal department, public affairs, general services and the real estate department, security, risk management, audit and internal control and CSR.

Eric Molinié was a member of the executive committee, after a career at EDF that began as a disability adviser to the president in the 2000s.

The journey of this man with myopathy has also been emblematic in the world of social and health.

In particular, he was president of the French Association against myopathies (AFM), of the High Authority for the fight against discrimination and for equality (Halde), of the Samu social de Paris, and vice-president of the Association of paralyzed from France (APF).

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