A dramatic accident occurred Saturday evening in Mirabel (Tarn-et-Garonne), near Montauban.

The driver of a pick-up and his passenger found themselves in a ditch after going off the road.

The motorist would have asked the woman to get out of the vehicle to guide him and try to leave, reports

La Dépêche


Drunk driver taken into custody

But, in circumstances that remain unclear, the 54-year-old passenger was hit during the maneuver and ended up under the pick-up.

It would have remained stuck until the arrival of the firefighters who had to lift the front of the vehicle to extract it.

Seriously injured, the 50-year-old was transferred to Toulouse University Hospital.

She finally succumbed to her injuries overnight, according to information from the regional daily.

An investigation was opened and the driver of the pickup, a 43-year-old man, was taken into custody for manslaughter.

The blood alcohol test he underwent reportedly showed a level of 1.68 grams of alcohol per liter of blood.

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  • Occitania

  • Accident