Donald Trump is in bad shape.

However, this has little to do with the symbolic but well-founded recommendation of a congressional committee to put the ousted president on trial for inciting and aiding and abetting the riot on January 6, 2021.

The committee has convincingly demonstrated that Trump would do anything to spare his ego defeat by Joe Biden.

But it doesn't look as if this finding has impressed many previous followers.

After two impeachments, the committee was just another witchcraft tribunal to them.

Trump can't think of anything else?

Trump just doesn't seem to be able to think of anything to spark new enthusiasm.

Among his voters, too, there are more and more people who expect more from a new hero than from their old warhorse, especially since he hardly knows anything other than his “stolen” election victory.

It will be interesting to see how Ron DeSantis and other conservative rivals deal with the serious allegations against Trump.

Maybe not in the criminal sense, but politically most Republicans are deeply involved in the "conspiracy against the United States" the committee is talking about.

If they distanced themselves now, they would come under pressure to justify their previous attitude.

If they continue to defend Trump, they could breathe new life into his candidacy.