Halmstad municipality has adopted the detailed plan for the new school in Snöstorp, which will accommodate 625 students from grades four to nine.

In an area that is today parkland.

Neighbors of the school building fear that disturbances and disturbances will increase in the residential area.

The opponents are now behind the protest list and appeal.

- Or the chaos in the area decreases when a school comes there, answers Anna Fallkvist (M), chairman of the municipality's community development committee.

Watch her respond to the criticism in the clip above.

See why neighbors of the school building in Snöstorp are protesting the project:

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Annika Sjöberg is critical of the school building in Snöstorp and was planned to stand.

In the clip, you will hear more about why she does not want to see a school built in the area.

Photo: Peter Osterberger/SVT