Seko, secretary-general of the House of Councilors of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), expressed his view that discussions should be deepened within the party on measures to secure financial resources that do not involve tax increases, such as allocating part of the redemption costs of national bonds. rice field.

In order to drastically strengthen defense capabilities, the government aims to increase defense spending to reach 2% of GDP in 2027, five years from now. It is a policy to cover it with a tax increase.

Regarding this, Seko, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party's House of Councilors, said at a press conference, ``We have reached a certain conclusion about defense spending and its financial resources, but we will continue to discuss financial resources other than taxes and work on specifics. The most important thing is to go forward. I would like to have a thorough discussion at the forum created under the chairman of the Policy Research Council, Hagiuda."

After that, he pointed out, ``There are too many things that have not been decided, such as how much tax revenue is likely to exceed, and what areas to review in expenditure reform.