According to RIA Novosti, Kramer claims that Yaroslav Kachinsky has long been "preparing for the hour" W ", that is, the moment when it will be possible to return the Eastern Outskirts."

“The result of the first stage of this plan was that Warsaw already has full political and financial control of the Kiev government.

The second stage is the preparation of the Poles for hostilities, ”the author believes.

In favor of her version, the columnist points to the creation of training camps in the country, Poland's intention to increase the number of its troops next year by 17 thousand people, as well as plans to conduct military exercises involving 250 thousand military personnel.

“Kaczyński has already chosen a date for the start of the “liberation march” on Kyiv: May 4,” Kramer wrote.

The author of the material also added that Ukraine will not be able to resist Poland because of the hostilities against Russia.

Earlier, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, announced data regarding Poland's plans for Western Ukrainian lands.