As the specialist explained, alcoholic drinks in the bath and sauna are strictly prohibited, since both thermal exposure and alcohol dilate blood vessels, increase blood pressure and increase heart rate.

“In this case, a person suffers from a double load on the cardiovascular system.

It is also not recommended to eat immediately before bath procedures.

At the initial stages of digestion, there is an increase in the blood supply to the upper gastrointestinal tract, which has a significant wall area, ”she specified.

With thermal exposure, blood flow is additionally concentrated in the surface layers of the body, said the doctor-expert of the Hemotest laboratory.

“In aggregate, this can lead to depletion of the blood supply to the brain and heart, which increases the risk of ischemia, fainting, orthostatic hypotension,” Demyanovskaya added.

Rest in the bath should be treated as responsibly as sports training: in both cases, the body receives a load that is incompatible with solid food and alcoholic beverages.

“With a responsible approach, rest in the bath and sauna brings only benefits to the body.

From the point of view of medicine, such procedures are classified as hygienic types of hardening and physical means of rehabilitation.

Thus, regular contrast heat treatments help in the prevention of arterial hypertension, a chronic disease characterized by high blood pressure,” she explained.

Increased sweating reduces the burden on the kidneys and swelling, and also helps the body remove sebum, said the candidate of medical sciences.

“Sweating with a broom improves blood circulation in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles.

In addition, broom leaves secrete biologically active substances that have antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic effects when inhaled and in contact with the skin.

A contrast shower after a bath or sauna is also an effective tempering water procedure, ”concluded the RT interlocutor.

Earlier, the doctor Pozdnyakov told what to do with the flu and covid at the same time.