On December 5, local time, German Foreign Minister Berberk visited India. One of the purposes of this trip was to try to persuade India to join the ranks of limiting oil prices to Russia.

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Jaishankar said after talks with visiting German Foreign Minister Berberke that India will continue to purchase oil from Russia in the future for its own energy needs.

He also said that since the Ukraine crisis, the EU has bought "significantly more" fossil fuels from Russia than India.

  The United States and other Western countries have tried many times to win over India to join the oil price limit plan against Russia.

On the one hand, it has repeatedly "named and criticized" India for importing a large amount of Russian oil, and on the other hand, it has hinted that India will benefit from the oil price cap plan, but none of them have worked.

According to previous Indian media reports, as the world's third largest oil importer, India currently imports about 22% of its imported crude oil from Russia.

  In addition to India, some countries have also reacted coldly to the "oil price limit order".

Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto said on December 3 that the European Union should be aware that the establishment of a "ceiling" for oil prices will damage the European economy. Hungary has won an "amnesty", so it will not implement the "price limit order".

Belarusian Finance Minister Selivierstov said on December 4 that Belarus will continue to settle its purchases of Russian energy in Russian rubles in 2023.

(produced by Liu Sejiong)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]