He noted that the country exports a lot of coffee to Russia - according to the diplomat, tourists liked it, in connection with which they began to place appropriate advertisements in Russian at the airport.

“We are looking for ways to export, we will go to Tashkent to arrange coffee supplies through Uzbekistan.

But you might think to use Yerevan to export our cigars, tobacco, rum and avocados,” Dannenberg told RIA Novosti.

Earlier it was reported that the German company Tchibo GmbH, which produced coffee under the brands Tchibo and Davidoff, left the Russian business, transferring assets to local top management.

The tea brands Lipton, Saito and Brooke Bond will cease to be produced in Russia by the end of 2022, according to Ekaterra, the company that owns these brands.

The head of the Roschaykofe Association, Ramaz Chanturia, said that the departure of a number of coffee brands from Russia would not have an impact on the market.