The felling is part of the annual management of the municipality's own forest.

It is felled in six different places within the municipality, primarily spruce forest. 

It concerns various large areas in Vrena, Nävekvarn, adjacent to the Sörmlandsleden at Bullersta, on future industrial land on Arnö - ​​and in the nature reserve at Strandstuviken.

Better and safer pasture for cows

The main reason for felling is the aggressive spruce bark borer, and one of the aims is to make the forest safer, as there is a risk that the severely infested trees may fall.

It will be safer for hikers but also for the cows that graze on the municipality's land at Strandstuviken during the summer.

- The old culture of forest grazing is important and we want to bring up a slightly better grazing value here but also safer forest for the animals to walk in, says Pia Martikainen, municipal ecologist in Nyköping.

In the clip: See the forest harvester helping with the spruce clearance in the nature reserve.