The staff at Stadsmissionen have received wishes from both children and adults and then recorded each wish on a piece of paper which was then placed in various places around Kalmar.

The idea is that those who want to help give pick up a note and buy what is written on it and hand in the package to the Stadsmissionen.

- It provides added value in that whoever wants something has a chance to get something new and not inherited or second-hand.

In addition, it also often creates a conversation among those who care about the fact that not everyone can afford Christmas presents, says Katarina Borgemo, area manager of the Kalmar city mission.

Around 500 Christmas presents

This year, she has noticed that more people than usual are getting in touch and asking for help with Christmas presents, something she links to the increasing costs in society.

- It is a time when we always have a lot to do, but we notice that new families get in touch and ask for help.

Kalmar city mission expects to be able to hand out around 500 Christmas presents this year.

- The goal is that everyone who wished for things should get at least one thing.