In the district court, the two men, together with a third, were sentenced to the longest prison sentences to date for gross blue light sabotage.

One of them received seven and a half years and the other six years in prison.

"Several aggravating circumstances"

The two men appealed their sentences to the Court of Appeal, which made a different assessment and reduced the sentences to six and five years in prison, respectively.

Now the prosecutor is appealing the Court of Appeal's verdict to the Supreme Court and is asking for a harsher sentence.

- It was a matter of a protracted sequence of events and very strong violence against the police, including in the form of large stones being thrown at and hitting them.

The violence caused damage to a large number of police officers and their equipment.

Some of the officers have said that they seriously feared for their lives.

Several of the police officers who were at the scene have suffered from mental illness after the incident, says Katarina Johansson Welin in a press release from the Prosecutor's Office.

- So there were several aggravating circumstances that should be taken into account when determining the punishment.

Confirmation of the district court's judgment

She believes that the punishment for both of them should be higher than what both the district court and the court of appeals sentenced to, but requests confirmation of the district court's judgment because the prosecution did not appeal against that judgment to begin with.

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This happened during the Easter weekend when violent riots spread to several Swedish cities.

Photo: TT