The financing is in place, the building application has been approved, the tender is open and, if everything goes well, the long overdue renovation of the Taubertsberg swimming pool in Mainz can begin next summer.

Accordingly, all those who are entrusted with the ambitious modernization project were in a good mood on Friday to follow the explanations of Finance Director Günter Beck (Die Grünen).

The mayor also had a funding notice of 23.2 million euros with him, which secured the large-scale project.

"The city now has the money to make such investments itself," said Beck: "And thus to secure school and club sports in Mainz and to ensure long-term, socially acceptable admission prices."

Markus Schug

Correspondent Rhein-Main-Süd.

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Otherwise – i.e. without the municipality’s much greater leeway due to the extraordinarily high trade tax revenue – the bathroom renovation could only have been carried out as before by Stadtwerke Mainz AG and its subsidiary, Stadtbad GmbH.

Then, however, an amount in the double-digit millions would have had to be raised for the modernization, which would almost inevitably have led to higher admission prices.

Stadtwerke boss Daniel Gahr was more than satisfied with the approach chosen instead, if possible from the summer and probably by the end of 2025 to completely renovate the entire building.

As a regional energy supplier that is currently investing 85 million euros in its water network, you actually still have a few other tasks to solve these days.

So it is good if a general contractor, which has yet to be found, takes care of the construction project near the station at fixed prices.

The plan is to close the old indoor pool, which has been bogging down for a long time, at the beginning of the next outdoor season.

And then to operate in the winter months with an already purchased air dome over the outdoor pool, which was not built this year, however, in order to keep energy costs low.

The city's money is to be used, among other things, to finance the conversion of the previous sports pool and the former adventure pool into an attractive family pool.

In addition to new glass fronts and effective ceiling insulation, this also includes the replacement of all tiles in the pools and everywhere around them.

A blue-grey-earth-colored color concept was chosen for this.

In addition, the new Taubertsberg family pool will have its own corner for small children and a climbing wall by the diving tower pool.

The also urgently needed redesign of the wellness wing, which is to be dominated from now on by a two-storey wine barrel sauna with a round fireplace room and attached restaurant, is "not a municipal task", assured Beck.

This investment would have to be financed differently and later recouped through the admission prices.

On the other hand, according to the managing director, Kerstin Stumpf, about five of the almost 24 million euros can be used for an energetic renovation of the building and technical improvements.

It is still being checked, but it is planned to "do something on all roofs": for example with solar thermal energy and photovoltaics.

So far, the pool has been supplied with district heating.

In the renovation in one go, the two plastic pipes are also to be upgraded,

which, according to an inspection, are in better shape than expected.

And maybe new, spectacular descents could be made possible for future users with the help of VR glasses.